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Information Security


We protect the customer’s information assets that are handled in course of service, and our company information assets to prevent the risk of the leakage, manipulation, obstruction use and unjust access. We devise "the information security policy" that the user of our company’s information assets should observe, in order to carry out the mission as the company which fulfill the social responsibility and we will make an effort to accomplish the appropriate information management and wrestle for continuous inspection and improvement.


 1.  It is basic operation of Try Angle to protect information. The all of officers and

     employees of Try Angle recognize the social responsibility to protect the

     information. We observe not only the strict observance of the secrecy of

     communication but also the associated laws and ordinances such as the Personal

     Information Protection Laws. 

2.  We will continuously carry out necessary actions to maintain the regime of the information

    security, to enforce the strict security measures on the hardware and system in order to

    prevent the unjust access to your significant information and the loss, manipulation or the

    leakage of your significant data, to educate employees and to give adequate instructions to

    the outsourcing contractor.